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Welcome to MESTA

Are you new to teaching Earth Science and need some help? Do you want to go on awesome field trips? Need any rocks and minerals for your classroom? Then you've come to the right place! 

About Us

The Michigan Earth Science Teachers Association (MESTA) was founded in 1967.  The organization consists of members teaching in the field of Earth and Space Science at the K-12 and college levels.

Not a member?  Join MESTA for the low cost of just $10 per year.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to help provide educators with up to date information, materials, and credible references to assist with the teaching of Earth and Space Science classes.

More about us

Donate to MESTA

In the K-12 classroom, it is becoming increasingly more important to provide authentic learning experiences that will enable students to develop an understanding of Earth Science. Your support of MESTA is vital in helping to prepare students to become the decision makers of tomorrow.  Please consider the opportunity to "pay it forward" and help support Earth and Space Science teachers in Michigan.  MESTA is a registered 501(c)3 organization.

Make a Donation

Account Profile:  Please keep your MESTA account profile up to date!  Click here for assistance with how to do this.

Member Benefits

MESTA provides members in good standing with the following benefits:

* Classroom mini-grants to $500 (Stoney Grants)

* Summer field conferences

* Providing teacher materials via our Free & Inexpensive shop, Rock Shop, and Rock Raffles

* Field scholarships to $1000

* MESTA E-News (e-newsletter published monthly)

* Help justify/defend Earth Science education

* Annual MESTA conference (providing field activities and classroom workshops)

* The Michigan Earth Scientist journal, published quarterly (Note: you must be logged into your MESTA account to view the journals)

* Annual awards (Cranson Field Scholarship, Outstanding Michigan Earth Science Teacher, Salotti Earth Science Education, Weinle Heart of MESTA)

* Michigan Earth Science Teachers Association Facebook page and YouTube channel

* Teacher workshops

Learn more

Keep up with Earth Science issues at a national level through the National Earth Science Teachers Association (

Information on careers in the Geosciences

Click here for information.

Information on Science Literacy, Climate Change, and the justification for teaching Earth Science

Click here for information related to Science Literacy.

Click here for information related to Climate Change.

Click here for assistance with the justification for teaching Earth Science.

Upcoming Conferences / Field Trips

MESTA Summer Field Trip to U.P. (Porcupine Mountains) - July 29 - 31, 2024 - POSTPONED TO SUMMER 2025

Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE) - Oct 4 - 6 in Grand Rapids

Our Active Earth

Access current Earth Science data about earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, severe weather, wild fires, tides and currents, droughts, solar and lunar eclipses, daily stream flow, and space weather.

Select Data to Examine

Mauna Loa - Hawaii (USGS)

Calendar of Events

MESTA Field Trip - July 29-31, 2024 to the Porcupine Mountains area.  Click here for details. (Postponed until 2025)

MESTA Board Meeting - August 24, 2024 at Sherry Claflin's house

MESTA Rock Party - Sept. 7, 2024 at Fish Lake (click on Events, then Rock Party to access registration form, which must be mailed back to us)

Website Policies and Disclaimers:

Privacy Policy

Terms of Service

Refund Policy

Disclaimer for external website links -

The appearance of external links on this website does not constitute endorsement by the Michigan Earth Science Teachers Association of external websites or the information, products or services contained therein.  For other than authorized activities, the MESTA does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations.  These links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this MESTA website.

Earth Science Rocks!

Or in this case, minerals. MESTA members descended on the Hot Springs, Arkansas on Memorial Day weekend to collect quartz crystals.

Follow our activities

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